I also want to honor another mother who is close to me and that is my amazing sister-in-law who has just been such a blessing to our family. She is not only beautiful, smart, and fun to be with, but she brings such joy to all of us who know and love her! So Kynda today I honor you and pray a blessing over you! Continue to be who you are and I love you! Thank you for coming into our lives and bringing to us such joy! You are an wonderful mother to my handsome nephew! Love you bunches!
Today is a special day and I want to take the time to honor those whom I love! I want to recognize those mother's in my life that mean so much! Lisa you are an amazing mother of two beautiful boy's and another on the way! I want to bless you and give you honor on this mother's day. You are a true blessing to those of us that have gotten to be a part of your life. Continue to know that you are loved and that the Creator of the universe holds all things in His hands! Love you sis!
I would like to honor my Grandma as well! She is an amazing grandma with so much love to give. She makes me laugh especially when playing Yatzee (she always wins) and she brings us a lot of joy. My prayer for my grandma today is that she knows how blessed she truly is! I love you Grandma!