Monday, December 17, 2007

Okay, Now What?

It seems that just when life is adjusting to one change another one takes place. I have been extremely challenged lately to stand. I started a new job over three weeks ago and I am now slowly feeling that I can handle all the responsibility. I have a lot to learn, but I will rise to the challenge. So just when I am beginning to feel more confident another challenge is set before me.

The place I am currently living in has sold, so I have less than twenty days to move out. (I have to be out by Jan. 4th.) Today, I faced that challenge head on by first seeing if a home loan was possible, but it wasn't at this time so off to the races to see what is in store for Preacher and I. My next stop today was to an apartment complex that excepts large dogs and where one door was closed another one is slowly opening. I should know on Thursday if we have a new place to live.

I'm excited and a little stressed out, but I know that there is a reason for everything that is happening. I must trust my Creator to know which direction I should go and relax in knowing that He is in complete control even when I feel out of control. My nephew was a great reminder that even if I end up upside down on a slide I can still smile about it. I will make the most of this situation by challenging myself to see what is around the next corner and whose lives will I be touching. What kind of a difference can I make in this new place? That is yet to be determined so stay tuned for more adventures and challenges.


Jen(n) said...

love the picture... and the out look!

redeemed diva said...

Great attitude, girl! It's not what happens to us that defines us, but how we respond to what happens to us. Love the way you are seeing the world!

Anonymous said...

You are so awesome, what a wonderful perspective, Blessings!

- Hannah

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