Monday, January 28, 2008

Whiter Than Snow!

Heart of the Father... each flake created unique to the individual drop of His love.

Each drop of His love covering the individual sin of my life... creating me to be unique and beautiful to the One True Love of my life.

I am now whiter than the snow... that falls blanketing the earth around me.

I am now a new creation... because of the Creator of the entire universe.


Jen(n) said...

beautiful poem... great picture!

Nadine said...

I agree with Jen(n) it is a beautiful poem. You have a great smile in the picture. You look so happy.

a woman who is said...

Looks like you were inspired.
Guess what, me too :]
I know you are praying for me...
love ya

It was a truly beautiful day, and you so captured the beauty.

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

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Lessons of Life