Saturday, January 5, 2008

Year of New Beginnings

I believe that this year is going to be one big adventure with many twists and turns. You see prior to the New Year Preacher and I had to move again which was both stressful but exciting. We are still living out of boxes as I am also working full time which only leaves me a few hours to keep unpacking. I have been spending time just seeking out the Creator and all that He has for me to do this year. I feel like there is so much to do and not enough time, but I remind myself that what the Creator asks for He gives strength for us to complete it. I am standing on the understanding that my life is not my own it has been bought and paid for by my Creator. I must follow Him in all His ways and let Him direct my steps. It is very important to allow myself to listen and obey each and everyday of this new year. There will be more thoughts and details about my time with my friends and family, but I am tired from all my moving, work, so on and so forth, until next time!


a woman who is said...

You are a great hugger!

Once you are settled I hope you get back on the blog train...

Emancipation of the Freed said...

It's so nice to have you back! God is so good!


Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

Joy on a Leash

Joy on a Leash
Lessons of Life