Saturday, February 2, 2008

Looking Deep

Today I felt the Creator challenge me to look deep. My first question to Him was, "What am I suppose to be looking at?" I didn't see, but I heard this faint sound like the beating of a heart. I pressed in deeper asking the Creator again, "what am I suppose to be looking for?" As each patient came into the office where I work the sound of the heart got a little louder and a little stronger. As I watched each persons face I began to see past what was on the outside of the person and saw deep into them. It was very personal at times, but I could feel the Creator's heart beat for them. I began to see past the layers of hurts and disappointments and began to see the heart of a child that beats with pure hope. I then asked the Creator, "When you told me to look deep, you meant for me to see them how You see them, right?" The only reply was the beating of His heart. I was moved at one point so much that I felt as if I would explode with joy and sorrow all in one. I wanted to cry and I wanted to cheer. To look deep can mean so many things, but today it meant to see people the way the Creator does, through our hearts.

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

Joy on a Leash

Joy on a Leash
Lessons of Life