Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This Journey I'm On

Do you ever wonder about the impact you are making in the world around you? I was thinking about this as I was watching the news about the elections. And no this is not going to be a political message. I was drawn to several things that got my mind going. You see we all have a destiny to fulfill, but many of us run scared from it, because sometimes is seems too great. I struggle at times knowing if I am on the right path, but then I am reminded once again by those whom the Creator chooses to inform me that I am on the right path. We each have the ability to leave a mark on the lives of those around us. Just like we can leave footprints in the sand and many other places, so can our character leave an imprint on a life or two. We can look at history and see the impact of choices made as well as unmade choices. I find that many times I am so focused on the choice at hand that I miss the big picture. I have decided to challenge myself daily to look outside of myself and see what the Creator is doing and to step up to all the challenges He sends my way. I want to leave an imprint on the heart of the Creator by loving all those that He loves. I will press on towards the high calling that He has called each of us to and I will lean not on my own understanding, but seek Him in all that He has for me to accomplish. I will not be satisfied with my normal statis quo, but I will learn to be driven by the power of His Word, Voice, Smell, Touch, and So On! So until next time I challenge you to seek after the Creator with all that is within you!


Jen(n) said...

I think your maker is stirring the fire within you!

Nadine said...

You are on the right path with the right heart to go with it.

Emancipation of the Freed said...

You make a huge impact in the Spirit!

Nicholas said...

Your awesome Emily!

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

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Joy on a Leash
Lessons of Life