Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Today is a good day and a little sad, but I'm excited all around. I am finishing my last minute packing and making sure I haven't missed anything, because tomorrow I pack all that I have in the back of my truck and head home. This is the exciting part of the story almost like a climax, but right before that I have to say goodbye to friends I've made and some very special people I've taken care of for the past three months. I feel like I have been taught so many things from them and have gained even more appreciation for those whom have lived a while (most in their late 70's to early 90's). For Jim and Lisa (friends I've been staying with) I can't say enough how much I appreciate them for allowing their home to be open to me. They are two very amazing people with so much to give and I know that the Creator is going to use them in amazing ways. Now this chapter is coming to a close so I must venture into the next. Stay tuned to the story of my life!


Jen(n) said...

Em you have impacted so many lives over there... it is amazing what God can accomplish in such a short time!

Nadine said...

I for one am so glad you are coming back. I can't wait to see you. Have a safe trip.

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

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Joy on a Leash
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