Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Return

For those who have been reading my blog and have heard my thoughts and ideas I just want to say thanks for the encouragement. My adventure to Aberdeen is almost at an end. On Thursday night I heard back from a wonderful place in Kennewick, telling me that if I was interested they'd like to hire me. I am so excited because this means that I am moving back closer to my family.

I also am asking the Creator about the purpose of me coming and staying such a short time. I haven't gotten all the answers, but I did understand that part of me coming was out of obedience. I will let you all know more about this new change and my return to Kennewick. Wow! What an adventure I've been on learning about who I am in Him. See and talk to you all again very soon.


Anonymous said...

How exciting Emily! I am so happy for you and what God is doing with you! Blessings!

- Hannah

Jen(n) said...

Congrats on the new job!! They are lucky to have you and we are overjoyed to get you back. I hope this doesn't mean you will stop writing though!

Nadine said...

I for one am jumping up and down with joy. Congratulations on the job and I'm glad you're coming back. I've missed your smiling face.

a woman who is said...

Yeah Em!

Karen said...

Em, that is great! Amazing how He works everything out for us and we get to know Him more in the process.

I am coming home for Thanksgiving too, Hope to see you on Sunday!

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

Joy on a Leash

Joy on a Leash
Lessons of Life