Thursday, November 15, 2007

All Things Work Together

Okay, so I am taking a time out from packing to write a little. I am just amazed at how the Creator works all things out for our good. Not only have I accepted an amazing job working with the community, but I have a place to move into that I can call my own for a little while at a great price. In that I will be renting from a close family friend to help them out until their house sells, I feel as though I am reaching out and helping others in need and it is benefiting me. All of this has come about in less than a month. The Creator has a lot of unique ways of doing things and making them work for our good. I will be home for the holidays and this excites me greatly. I look forward to spending time with family and friends in sharing meals, enjoying each others company, and so much more. Okay, enough procrastinating on my other responsibilities I'll write again soon!


Tiffany said...

yea that'd be really fun! When do you come back?

Anonymous said...

It will be so good to see your beautiful face more often :)

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

Joy on a Leash

Joy on a Leash
Lessons of Life