Friday, September 21, 2007


Reading some of my friends blogs has left me today thinking about the challenges we face in life. Obstacles we must face head on without backing down or trying to ignore. I am thinking about the challenges that I see on a daily basis. How do you speak with those who are trapped in their minds and are losing their short term memory? Being a caregiver is a rewarding and a hard job. I find myself walking the hallways and using the laundry room as places to pray and seek His face. In scripture we are taught many things, but I find right now that I must pray for healing and restoration for those who are unable.

I believe in the Creator and I know He will use this time for His glory. I am not going to stop praying until there is no longer a need, which wont be in my lifetime, but that's not the point. I will pursue my Creator and continue to challenge myself to read the words in red and have faith to see Him move the mountains in my life and those whom I have contact with on a daily basis. That includes all of my blog friends too! So my challenge to all of you would be to spend time watching people and praying for them that they too would have an encounter with the Creator as their healer and protector. Don't give up ever! Even when you begin to see the miracles pursue Him even more and also for all those who are trapped in their own minds without the ability at this time to escape.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Never give up! Good advice.

Intimacy with the Creator

Intimacy with the Creator
Worship in Spirit & in Truth

Joy on a Leash

Joy on a Leash
Lessons of Life