Thursday, September 6, 2007

Late Night

Well, I'm up way past the time I had intended on going to bed. I was watching a movie and enjoying my day off which is now coming to an end. I was thinking about all that has been created in the film industry and I am excited to see what new wholesome movie will come out next. There are so many different kinds of movies and you never know which ones will be in your top favorites or if you'll never want to see them again. I'm just glad that the Creator doesn't judge us how we judge others and their work. I want to learn to enjoy life's little pleasures even more and spend time write my thoughts. It will be interesting to see what each new day brings. I want to learn to live as though each day were my last and hold nothing back. For me this is difficult because I like to please people, but I have come to realize that there is only One whom I must please and that is the One who created me. So, I leave myself in good hands! May He shine upon all of you and give you dreams and visions.

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