Monday, September 24, 2007


Yesterday I had a what I would call my first day of really missing home. Some very close friends of my family's were having their last Sunday and are moving this Thursday. I was able to speak with them on the phone to share what God had told me, but it was the first time I realized how much I feel that I am missing. I had my first few tears fall because I miss those whom I love. But, I was reminding myself why I am here and that is because I made a promise to the Lord at the ripe old age of four.

So let me tell you the story for all those who don't know. I was saved at the age of four and I was sitting in 'big peoples' church when the pastor was speaking on giving our tithes and offerings. Well, as a four year old I looked up at the offering basket as they were beginning to pass it around and I told the Lord, "But Lord, I'm too big to fit into the offering basket." Now the Lord has called upon me to do what I promised to do from when I was a child. Some of you may be wondering why the Lord would require this of me now over twenty-five years later. The answer to that thought is that God is outside of our time and He can recall everything we have asked of Him and all the promises we have made.

Needless to say He moved me back to the place of this commitment so that I can be stretched and walk into all that He has for me. So I reminded myself of this yesterday and this was the result.
To lay down your place of comfort
To return your gifts and talents
To place others needs above your own
To give your heart to the One above
To hold nothing back, giving all.
I know that God has much more for me to do and though I miss my family and friends He will guide me and comfort me each step of the way. Therefore, I hope that my life will be an example for others, to see His beauty that surrounds us in all life's trials.


Nadine said...

Wow. I love the story of you as a little girl offering to put yourself in the basket. I miss you too.

Jen(n) said...

I can remember some serious cry times when I spent that year in China. I will be saying some special prayers for you. You are doing great...
No apartment yet?

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