Monday, August 27, 2007


As I spent time reading some of my friends blogs, I was in the realization of some of the desires of my heart. Oh, that I might fulfill my destiny and run this race set before me. So I find myself also thinking about some of the if questions I think some of us face like: Who is the one God has chosen for me? When will I meet them and will I know? How long until that someone will walk into my life? Time isn't standing still what about kids? And there are many more questions and not a whole lot of answers ... yet. I trust that my awesome Creator will answer these and so many more. And I realize it's in His timing and not mine. I'm desperately seeking His face and in that process all my desires and questions will receive answers, so I must remain content right where I'm at. I want to encourage the young men and women to wait for the one He has chosen for you and ask you to remain faithful to your future spouse and family. Don't do things that will cause you to compromise! If I can do it so can you! Trust me there were days that were hard, but God was faithful to remind me that He has chosen someone just for me. I will continue my wait while running my race!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! And what a day it will be! :)

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