Sunday, August 26, 2007

First Days

Okay, I haven't really had a lot of time these past few days to post anything, because I've been working! The first few days have been trying at times, pleasurable at others, and way too many names to memorize this quickly. I am exhausted at the end of my work day both physically and mentally. This is definitely not like my work I've done prior, although it does have a few similarities. As I'm working I've been praying and singing a little too just to put people at ease. This job is not for the faint at heart and that was proven today when I found out the person that I started with on Friday quit after the end of last night. I'm guessing it wasn't what she expected.

I have enjoyed a few of the little things as I'm smiled at and talked to whether I understand what they say or not, the eyes and smile always tell the truth. Some residents are fun and easy to please while others are a little more difficult, but I can tell you one thing is for sure ... love is what they soak up like a sponge. I feel that this job is going to be both challenging and rewarding. There will be days where I may want to give up and other days where I'll see miracles. (I believing for the later than the former.)

Preacher isn't so sure of the job I'm doing, because I get the smell test every time I get back. Probably because of all the different kinds of smells from residents to other animals along with cleansers and soaps. Anyway, he'll get use to it. I'm just excited to find out what is coming up next and what is God doing now. I'll continue to post as I get a chance! Blessings to all who read this blog.

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